適合歲數: 6m-12y
For many generations among many different cultures, families have given their children Cod Liver Oil. Folklore tells us that this was because families observed how children raised with Cod Liver Oil grew healthier and smarter. Modern research now confirms this historical wisdom.* ChildLife provides the world’s purest Cod Liver Oil available.
How to grade your Cod Liver Oil:
Freshness: delivery time from fishing boat to manufacturing plant.
Purity: Artic Cod, sourced from the northern arctic seas surrounding the fiords of Norway.
Quality: pressed only from pure Cod Liver,- no other fish or parts of fish used.
Purification: patented molecular distillation process delivers the cleanest oil available.
Testing: the contents of each bottle is tested for any contaminants, PCB’s, dioxins, mercury, other metals and exceeds the highest standards.
Flavoring: passes the children’s taste test with an all-natural strawberry flavor.
ChildLife uses only the highest grade for all of the above.
Suggested Use:
For infants 6 months – 1 yr: ½ teaspoon daily
For children 2-12 yrs: 1 -2 teaspoons daily
Shake well before use.
Refrigerate after opening.
Give directly or mix with your child’s favorite drink.
ChildLife uses only the highest quality ingredients. Gluten free casein free, alcohol free. Contains no milk, eggs, soy, wheat, yeast or corn. No artificial colorings, flavorings or sweeteners.
*This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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